30 June 2020

Sewing, Knitting and stitching update

I realise I haven't stated anything about the Covid 19 pandemic in my last post.  NZ is now at level 1, meaning there is no community transmission.  Apart from our borders being closed, returning Kiwis required to isolate in hotels that are overseen by the military, life is back to normal.  This happened a few weeks ago.  It has made me so much more appreciative of things we used to take for granted.

We are still seeing cases, but only in those that are returning and are in isolation. Given the pandemic is escalating world wide that is to be expected.

Very little in the way of sewing to report for this month.  Just a few small items.

I made a couple of bags.  The first was a drawstring bag for knitting projects.

The top part is quilting cotton. The bottom is corduroy.  It has ribbons for the drawstrings and also a handle in the corduroy fabric.

There are corduroy pockets on the outside which are embroidered using stitches on my sewing machine.  There are also a couple of pockets inside.

I made a cable holder to go inside the bag for spare cables that I'll need for the project.  There are a couple of snaps that hold it closed.

In the same fabric I made a case to hold my 9" circular needles for sock knitting.

A friend is now working mainly from home.  She uses a plug in keyboard with her laptop and told me she had looked for a bag to carry it in but couldn't find one.  I offered to make her one.

I loved how this turned out.  The bees are super cute and I found fabric to match.  The outside is cotton drill fabric and it has a zipped top and carry handles. I stitched these inside the 2 different fabrics and then sewed them partly up the plain fabric so they don't flop around.

I found some cotton on special that went perfectly to line the bag with.  My friend was very happy with this bag.

I have another kntting finish.  My second Reyna shawl.

I did a few extra rows than the first one.  I had intended to make it a lot bigger, however I really want to start my next project and told myself I couldn't start until I'd finished Reyna.  So Reyna got finished  a bit earlier and a bit smaller.

My next project is this Potowatomi poncho.

Other knitting that is on the go is the Flax Light jumper.

I am down to where I need to put the sleeves onto waste yarn, then knit the body.  I've read a tip that its a good idea to start the body, then do the sleeves.  Apparently it is easier to knit the sleeves without having to twist the body out of the way, but also once the sleeves are done you know how much yarn is left so can lengthen or shorten the body as desired/needed.

The other project on my needles is a sock pattern in this self striping yarn.

I'm making up my own pattern after reading a lot and watching a lot of sock videos.  The plain vanilla sock seems to be pretty standard.  So I'm casting on 64 stitches on 2.25mm needles.  Knitting 2 rows of K2,_P2 rib, knit 60 to heel, then probably 60 to toe.  I will then put in an afterthought heel.

I have already made one sock, but this was on 2.75mm needles and I was very disappointed that the multicoloured yarn just gave me a brown sock, very little of the pink appeared.  On 2.75mm it was too big. 

A bit of experimentation may be needed to find my perfect sock recipe.

I also bought a little bit more haul for knitting.

 A few more yarns for another pair of socks.  I bought the green to do contrasting toes and heels.

Onto cross stitching.  I've worked on my 3 HAED designs this month.

Healing Rose Ornament


that seems to have been a long post.

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